Contact Thai Lotus

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2327 25th Ave, Gulfport, MS, 39501, US

Business Hours

  • Monday - Friday

    11:00am – 08:00pm

  • Saturday

    11:00am – 06:00pm

  • Sunday



2327 25th Ave
Gulfport, MS, 39501, US

About us

Our Thai restaurant is a true culinary journey through the beautiful flavors of Thailand and Vietnam. Our menu features an array of traditional dishes, each bursting with aromatic spices and bold, authentic flavors. From the rich and creamy curries, to the fresh and tangy salads, every bite is a taste of the vibrant cultures of these two countries. Our chefs use only the freshest ingredients, to create dishes that are truly authentic and bursting with flavor. From the spicy and savory tom yum soup, to the aromatic and aromatic basil chicken, our menu is sure to satisfy even the most discerning palates. So come and experience the amazing flavors of Thailand and Vietnam at our restaurant. We promise you a dining experience like no other, full of delicious flavors and rich cultural traditions.

Thai Lotus Restaurant has been serving Serving authentic Vietnamese and Thai Cuisine for the Mississippi Gulf Coast for more than 15 years.
Our authentic Thai flavors are guarantee to satisfy any taste buds. Our ingredients are hand picked every morning to serve you the freshest ingredients at the highest quality. Hope to see you soon here!

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